(2024-03-31 21:58:29) Hina Fes 2024 Yokoyama Reina

It's Yokoyama Reina The last two days, there was Hina Fes! Thank you very much 💗 I'm glad that we were able to hold this annual event this year too! There were songs by all members in each groups, which is unique to Hina festivals! Shuffle songs, cover songs... It's such a precious performance for these two days only 💗 It's a different feeling from the group tours, But it's still a really funny time! This time, the stage was also very different from usual. I was able to get close to a lot of people!! It was a very good festival 🤝 I was so happy to hear fanchants from everyone, For every songs! On every starts!!! To everyone who came! To everyone who watched the live broadcast! We had a great two days! Thank you very much! We're very close to March! I think I'll sleep well today!! I'll be waiting for your feedback~! ♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:* Yokoyama Reina https://ameblo.jp/morningm-13ki/entry-12846558933.ht...