(2022-04-30 21:03:01) Osaka~ Yokoyama Reina

It's Yokoyama Reina Two concerts to Osaka! Thank you very much 🙈 Today, from the very first song after the performance started I was watching those who are looking at us with great joy . I'm so happy about that... 😭 I felt such gratitude at that moment. I couldn't stop smiling during the whole concert. Be able to realize such things Is so funny! I'm writing with the tension after the live I wonder if it's transmitted...lol I was happy anyway! Thank you very much! Finally! Tomorrow! This is the day we will perform to JAPAN JAM!!!! Waaah! It will be such fun! Please welcome us 🫶 Yokoyama Reina https://ameblo.jp/morningm-13ki/entry-12740276952.html