(2022-02-28 22:08:41) 13! Yokoyama Reina

As announced on our official site, Morito Chisaki-san Will got her sotsugyou from Morning Musume。'22 and Hello! Project as well, after the spring tour. As a member of the group, I heard about it a while ago. But I feel like it was yesterday. But we have a fixed date for graduation. Until then, I hope we all make lots of memories together! Until the end, please, support Morning Musume。'22 13-members lineup 🌷 ♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:*♡o。+..:* We all had a full day of filming today~! There were many moments of belly ache from laughing so much lol. It was a fun day! How was yours~ Yokoyama Reina https://ameblo.jp/morningm-13ki/entry-12729411522.html