(2020-12-18) Fender

Yokoyama Reina

― Do you have any experience of playing an instrument?

Yokoyama : I have loved musical instruments since I was a child. I have been playing the piano since I was in the first grade of primary school, and I played alto saxophone and percussion in a brass band. When I was in sixth grade, I saved up my annual allowance and bought my first acoustic guitar for beginners and taught myself to play it.

― What's your opnion about playing guitar and guitarists?

Yokoyama : I really like bands, so I respect and admire guitarists a lot. I have small hands and have struggled to learn to play guitar on my own, so when I see artists who play guitar while singing, it makes me think "I want to be like them!".

― If you could play guitar or bass, what songs would you like to play?

Yokoyama : I really like Unison Square Garden's songs, and I saw a previous FenderNews' interview of Kosuke Saito-san (the guitarist) said the first song debutant players shoud start with is "Mr. Andy". So I would like to trust him and start with that song.

― Please leave a message for your fans that reading this interview!

Yokoyama : I started playing guitar on my own, and in the beginning I sometimes gave up because I didn't understand the meaning of the instructional books. But even though I was self-taught, I realised that if I practised, I could get good at it (laughs). I think it's important to have a love for the guitar and to practise without giving up. Let's work hard together!
