
(2022-05-24 17:31:25) I'm hungry Yokoyama Reina

It's Yokoyama Reina

Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
I will be appearing there this week!🙌

Alongside Ikuta Erina-san and Yamazaki Mei-chan!

Morning Jogakuin is
Inviting the whole current lineup,
So the formation for broadcast are always different.
It's fun~

It's been a while since I worked with Ikuta-san on radio
But Mei-chan!? I'm always with her 😂

I had too much fun this time
If you haven't heard it yet, listen to it on radiko 📣

Ikuta-san was sitting across from me,
Eating bread deliciously all the time before the recording
That was too cute 🍞
I should have taken a picture...


The one I won in the mess the other day!
The player Yasui!!!! ⚽️
Towels!!! They were bigger than I thought they'd be, and that made me happy! Lol 
I like this size towel though 😂
What kind of towel is it though? A face towel?
Yeah, I don't really know... but I love towels this size! Lol

I was just thinking about how Kashima match visual
Was super amazing!!!!
It was during Emperor's Cup final, I went with Homare!
The fact that I was able to part of that too...
Makes me so happy.

Another thing! At the time of the match, at the stadium, the matchday card
A player's card is dealt,

Because my mother, brother, and me always go there
I have it all for now
(Mostly thanks to my brother. Thank you brother for everything)
Do your best to complete this season!

Away game tomorrow✊ I'm supporting you!!!


It's a private matter, but

Hair! It's growing!

I've been wearing extensions since October now
I keep it long,
I'm worried that my hair doesn't grow easily...
I drank zinc and ate seaweed, but
The other day my mother told me
"You've grown your hair."

Eh!!! Me!? I grew!?!? I'm so happy!!!!
I was like that 🙌🙌🙌 Lol

It's a bit difficult to dry hair with extensions!
I was wondering what to do in the summer.
Should I take it off by summer??? 
But if you don't make it long, you'll want to make it short 😌

I wonder what hair color should I do too 🤔
It's fun to wonder about my hair, so I'll still keep wonder for a while~


Sanrio Character Award
Voting period has ended
Thank you to
Everyone who supported Gaokki ✊

Looks like June 12 is the result...
Surprisingly soon! I'm excited to know

I wish I could contribute even a little with my votes!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to the result 🫣

Yokoyama Reina

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