(2017-11-13 21:29:33) Yokoyama Reina's blog has been updated.



Yesterday, we did a release event 黄色い花

Thank you to everyone who came
It made me happy チューリップ黄

During this event,

We were divided into two teams and played various games.

チューリップ赤 Team opposition! Ranking quiz

チューリップ紫 Attached quiz

チューリップピンク Missing quiz battle

About the winning quiz battle...

Yup, you understood. Reina wasn't good at it at all.

But I still played it!

I answered correctly 照れ Lol

I'm not stupid!

I'm just not good at kanji.

Both MC and live
Were funny 照れ

              キラキラ About the other question キラキラ
Thank you very much to everyone
Who answered to my question!

After reading the blog's comments,
And people who talked to me during the handshake event,

I realized that I don't know many japaneses candies.

I want to know them more!

It's great to eat loval japaneses sweets 照れ lol

By the way, I think that dorayaki's sweets was the most popular at the handshake event !

As expected, dorayaki ハート

Well, see you tomorrow~ ヒマワリ
