(2017-05-14 20:20:28) 96. Everyone☆ Yokoyama Reina



It's Yokoyama Reina (¨̮ )




I apologize for the cancellation of the concerts in Okayama that were supposed to be today.

Fukumura Mizuki-san and Oda Sakura-san weren't fit to come with the flu and Kudo Haruka-san started to be feverish as well.

We preferred to cancel the concert,

To give you quality performance with 13 members rather than much better performance with 10 members only.


All those who were looking forward to these concerts,
All those who support us,

I apologize to all of those.


It will certainly be postponed later, with all the members!!!!

I promise.


See you soon, Okayama.




Well, see you tomorrow~☆


☆Yokoyama Reina☆
