(2017-04-04 20:27:09) 63. Play☆ Yokoyama Reina


It's Yokoyama Reina (¨̮ )




Today... 音符

I had a date with Kawamura Ayano-chan from Kenshuusei~ ラブ


It's been a long time~ キラキラ

I immediately got on well with her when I got accepted into Kenshuusei,
It makes me so happy to see her ハート


We went shopping, we went to eat, to watch a movie... 照れ

And we got back by taking the train together. It was so good !! Lol


Kawamura is someone very fun.

When we were together with the Kenshuusei,
We literally talked to each other everyday about anything and everything!!!!

It hasn't changed, today it was the same 音譜


We walked together,

Under the cherry blossoms 黄色い花
Since it's spring. Lol (obviously)


Speaking of spring!!!!!!

Yup. Pollen...

I'm very allergic to it アセアセ

I sneezed all the time.
It was embarrassing ショボーン


I must avoid going out too much!!!
Allergies happen very, very quickly ガーン




↑ A photo that brings out a lot of nostalgia.


Morning Misoshiru soups are now on sale~ !!

Mine is the mushroom one,
Kaga Kaede-chan's is the meaty one 爆笑

They're too delicious 音符


Taste them for your lunch~ !!!!


Well, see ya tomorrow~☆


☆Yokoyama Reina☆
