(2019-12-24 21:00:11) It's Christmas Eve Yokoyama Reina
Yesterday I was walking down the stairs
And at the last step,
I tripped and twisted my foot. (I am sure of that)
This morning when I woke up, I felt the pain even more.
I got used to it in a day but,
Pay attention to you please!
This is Yokoyama Reina. Good evening everyone.
Today is Christmas Eve.
And tomorrow is Christmas!
Hence the name of this day
"Christmas Eve".
I am too impatient!
I love Christmas.
I spend New Years at home,
Eating cakes with my family
Of course, not just any cake
It's a Kamen Rider cake.
Every year I have cute Kamen Rider cakes.
Santa's gifts
(This hoodie is not bad. Lol)
Thank you for this New Year's Eve.
Like every year,
I can't go see the illuminations.
Good night all!
Yokoyama Reina
#kamenrider #zeroone #christmascake #christmasgifts #yokoyamareina #yokoyan
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