(2020-11-09 21:25:46) It's cold isn't it? Yokoyama Reina
It's Yokoyama Reina!
Today, I woke up early for a work,
It was so cold
Even if I was wearing my sweatshirt 😂
I thought that was enough until it gets colder
But that's already impossible.
So I took my coat as well 😂
(I'll be wearing it everytime in maybe 1 week)
When I woke up, I always wash my face
But this time, since the water was cold lol
I was suprised lol
So, I'll wait a bit
Until the water gets warm lol
And I can't get out of the futon.
Today I woke up
At the limit of the hour 😂
I always used to wake up early
To have plenty of time to prepare myself lol
I'm going to sleep twice someday
Be careful about sleep.
Good night
Tomorrow, I'm going to do my best
Yokoyama Reina
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