(2020-09-19 22:30:55) With Homare Yokoyama Reina

Outside, it becomes cooler and cooler.
I'm so happy about that.
I don't sweat anymore! Don't get sunburned!

Autumn is approaching... fufufu

I like autumn!
I like summer too!
But I also like spring!
Winter is good too!

I like all the seasons! Lol

Because all the sesons, spring, summer, autumn and winter
Are far different from each other,
Everyone can enjoy various things!

I went to take a purikura
With Okamura Homare-chan!

I haven't went to the purikura shop since a long time now!
I was so nervous! Lol

We did grafitty after the shooting,
But since Yoko-chan don't understand the latest trends,
I was very very very confused. Lol

But!!! It was very fun and so exciting!!!!! 🥰

Thank you Homare 😳
We also ate yakiniku!
I'm happy becaue Homare looks happy 😳

Yokoyama Reina
