(2019-03-12) The Television - What does Yokoyama Reina love about each Morning Musume。members?

【Hello! Project 20 years series】Yokoyama Reina from Morning Musume。'19 told us what does she like about each Morning Musume。members! 

To commemorate Hello! Project's 20 years, we are organizing the "Hello! LOVE" project. The title comes from the new auditions launched by the Morning Musume。'19, the "LOVE Audition", which are currently taking place. Morning Musume。'19 members talked about their love! Here's Yokoyama Reina's.

— What do I like about Fukumura Mizuki!

Fukumura Mizuki-san a very tactile leader ! She isn't the type to start conversations on her own, she waits for us to go to her. But since she's very tactile, it's easy to talk to her when she comes to us. I consider her as a very kind big sister.

— What do I like about Ikuta Erina!

Ikuta Erina-san always has very clear opinions. Sometimes she looks at what she has on her plate and says "That, Eri will not eat" in a childish way. It's super cute (laughs).

— What do I like about Ishida Ayumi!

Ishida Ayumi-san has an unusual type of face (laughs). She looks like a cat, I find it too beautiful. When she laughs, her eyes disappear, I find her irresistible.

— What do I like about Sato Masaki!

The way Sato Masaki-san lives her life is ... wonderful. As free as air. I find incredible this ability not to pay attention to the opinions and criticisms of others, to live as she wants.

— What do I like about Oda Sakura!

Her voice. I have always admired Oda Sakura-san for her always cool performances in Morning Musume。. When I joined the group as a member, I continued to think so. Even today I still admire her !

— What do I like about Nonaka Miki!

Nonaka Miki-san always listens carefully when someone is talking to her. It makes me feel good because I always receive precise answers and advice about my issues. I like this way of being, I really like Nonaka-san.

— What do I like about Makino Maria!

She and I are the same age but we are totally different, Makino Maria-san is rather "THE idol". She has a good style, she's always cute. The image I have of Makino-san is the definition of the idol itself.

— What do I like about Haga Akane!

I am the youngest in group at the generation level but in age, Haga Akane-san is the youngest in group. Dialogue it's easier thanks to that, I can speak more freely with her. I get along very well with her.

— What do I like about Kaga Kaede!

Kaga-sama is ... (Kaga : What was this "sama" for ?) Hahahahaha (laughs). We love to talk to each other and laugh at everything. When we started, we were very focused on our differences and oppositions, it was complicated. We didn't really talk together about interesting subjects (laughs). Today, I am grateful she endured my strange behavior.

— What do I like about Morito Chisaki!

I love her ♡ (Instantly) I can even say what I love about Morito Chisaki-san because I love everything about her ! I can go talk to her easily, when I am with her I feel good. Even when we were abroad for two weeks during work, while she was there I had a reference point and I was reassured. Does this answer correspond to the question asked ?
